
Bibliography of Technology Ethics, Technology Education, and Games

  1. Anupam, A. (2023). Playing the bully or the beast: Games for learning strategic thinking in tech ethics. International Journal of Role-Playing, 13
  2. Baura, G. D. (2006). Engineering Ethics: An Industrial Perspective. Academic Press.
  3. Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P., & Pinch, T. J. (Eds.). (1989). The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology. MIT Press.
  4. Boddington, P. (2023). AI Ethics: A Textbook. Springer.
  5. Bucciarelli, L. L. (2008). Ethics and engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education, 33(2), 141–149.
  6. Cassell, J., & Jenkins, H. (Eds.). (1998). From Barbie® to Mortal Kombat: Gender and computer games. The MIT Press.
  7. Coeckelbergh, M. (2020). AI Ethics. The MIT Press.
  8. Coeckelbergh, M. (2022a). Robot Ethics. The MIT Press.
  9. Feenberg, A. (1999). Questioning technology. Routledge.
  10. Feenberg, A. (2002). Transforming technology: A critical theory revisited. Oxford University Press.
  11. Feenberg, A. (2010). Between reason and experience: Essays in technology and modernity. The MIT Press.
  12. Hagendorff, T. (2020). The Ethics of AI Ethics: An Evaluation of Guidelines. Minds and Machines, 30(1), 99–120.
  13. Hare, S. (2022). Technology Is Not Neutral: A Short Guide to Technology Ethics. London Publishing Partnership.
  14. Harris, C. E., Prichard, M. S., & Rabins, M. J. (2008). Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Caces (4th ed.). Wadsworth Publishing.
  15. Herkert, J. R. (2000). Engineering ethics education in the USA: Content, pedagogy and curriculum. European Journal of Engineering Education, 25(4), 303–313.
  16. Ihde, D. (2017). Postphenomenology and Technoscience: The Peking University Lectures. State University of New York Press.
  17. Kline, R. R. (2001). Using history and sociology to teach engineering ethics. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 20(4), 13–20.
  18. Konstantis, K., & Tsakalakis, T. (2024). Integrating perspectives from engineering ethics into the study of technology: A synthesis of research on critical cases.
  19. Lynch, W. T. (1997). Teaching engineering ethics in the United States. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 16(4), 27–36.
  20. Mailland, J. (2024). The game that never ends: How lawyers shape the videogame industry. The MIT Press.
  21. Martin, M. W., & Schinzinger, R. (1983). Ethics in engineering. Philosophy Documentation Center, 2(2), 101–105.
  22. Martin, M. W., & Schinzinger, R. (2009). Introduction to Engineering Ethics. McGraw-Hill.
  23. Mitcham, C. (1997). Thinking ethics in technology: Hennebach lectures and papers, 1995-1996. Div. of Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines.
  24. Mitcham, C., & Englehardt, E. E. (2019). Ethics Across the Curriculum: Prospects for Broader (and Deeper) Teaching and Learning in Research and Engineering Ethics. Science and Engineering Ethics, 25(6), 1735–1762.
  25. Müller, V. C. (2020). Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020).
  26. Nyholm, S. (2023). This is Technology Ethics: An Introduction (S. D. Hales (Ed.)). Wiley-Blackwell.
  27. Peterson, M. (2019). Ethics for Engineers. Oxford University Press.
  28. Spanos, A. (2021). Games of history: Games and gaming as historical sources. Routledge.
  29. Theodoropoulos, M. (2023). Load game: The independent digital game production in Greece. Open Journal of Animation, Film and Interactive Media in Education and Culture (AFIMinEC), 4(1)
  30. Theodoropoulos, M. S. (2024). A cultural history of the Greek digital games origins: From clones to originality. Acta Ludologica, 7(1).
  31. Trammell, A. (2023). The privilege of play: A history of hobby games, race, and geek culture. NYU Press.
  32.  Ulbricht, S. (2022). Ethics of computer gaming: A groundwork. Palgrave Macmillan.

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